Disability Confident Committed

We are proud to be part Disability Confident, a Government scheme which encourages employers to create a movement of change and think differently about disability, to take action to improve how we recruit, retain and develop disabled people.


At Ashall Care we commit to the following:

  1. Ensuring our recruitment process is inclusive and accessible, we will do this by:
    • ensuring against discrimination
    • making job adverts accessible
    • providing information in accessible formats
    • accepting applications in alternative formats
  1. Communicate and promote vacancies, we will do this by:
    • advertising vacancies through a range of channels, and we will use our Disability Confident badge to make sure potential applicants know we are an inclusive employer
    • getting advice and support from Jobcentre Plus, Work and Health Programme providers, recruiters and our local disabled people’s user led organisations (DPULOs)
    • we will review our current recruitment processes
  1. Offer an interview to disabled people
    • We will encourage applications by offering an interview to an applicant who declares they have a disability who meets the minimum criteria for the post advertised.
  1. Anticipate and provide reasonable adjustments as required
    • As an employer we have a duty under he Equality Act 2010 to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ in the workplace where a disabled person would otherwise be put at a substantial disadvantage compared with their colleagues.
  1. Support any existing employee who acquires a disability or long term health condition, enabling them to stay in work.

Disability Confident Certificate - 08.07.21-04.07.24

Activities - Week Commencing 5 July 2021


Fun was had playing your cards right whilst listening to nostalgic music.



So many smiley faces around the living room, listening to music whilst completing jigsaws and scratch art.



An armchair exercises class facilitated by our fully qualified Activities Coordinator was enjoyed by all.  Exercise is key for helping to boost mood, improve strength and generally make residents happier.  Some time spent reminiscing, particularly about what it was like growing up on a farm and the chickens’ antics!  The completion of craft boxes were also enjoyed.



Back by popular demand was Play Your Cards Right!  Again, lots of smiley faces and competitive residents!!


Walks outside in our local community, a visit to see the ducks and chickens down the road is always a popular route and enjoyed by many.  We are lucky to live in such a rural environment where nature can be enjoyed in the peace and quiet.

Welcoming new residents through safe admissions

We continue to welcome new residents to our home using our robust covid-secure admission process, whilst protecting those who already live with us and offering safe visiting opportunities.

We specialise in providing care to older people and as a small care home with 22 en-suite bedrooms our team really get to know all residents, understand their needs, and encourage social friendships amongst residents living at Farthings.

We have a robust admission process in place to enable us to offer a safe and compassionate start to living within our care home.

The government guidelines were amended on 18 June 2021 and as such we too have amended our processes inline with differing scenarios as follows:


A Pre-Planned Admission from the Community

In order to follow this process the individual must satisfy the below requirements:

  • Be fully vaccinated (plus 3 weeks wherever possible) – evidence will be required
  • The local guidance from the Director of Public Health about community transmission of variants of concern is followed
  • No known contact with a COVID-positive person
  • We will take into consideration the current circumstances at home in terms of risk
  • An enhanced testing regime is followed, which consists of PCR prior to admission (within 72-hours), a PCR test on day of admission (day 0) and a further PCR test 7 days following admission (day 7) and daily rapid lateral flow testing until the results of the day 7 PCR have been received


Discussions: will take place prior to any admission with the home’s Registered Manager, this may be with yourself or a loved one.  This is to gain an overview of your current care needs and requirements.

Assessment: if it is likely we would be able to meet your specific needs the Registered Manager will arrange a Pre-Admission Assessment.  This is to meet you, discuss what your needs are and how you would like to be cared for.  It will also enable us to give you and your loved ones more information about our home and the facilities we have available to you.  Ordinarily, dependant on circumstance, this would take place face-to-face but rest assured all of our staff are vaccinated, tested three times per week and would be wearing all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for your safety.

Time: after initial discussions and assessments our prospective residents are given time to consider their decision, possibly alongside their loved ones.  Once a decision has been made please get in touch with the Registered Manager again who will work alongside you to arrange your admission at a time which is convenient to yourself, this could be the same day, in a couple of days or in a few weeks’ time, it is your choice.

Testing: we will provide a PCR coronavirus test which is to be completed within 72-hours before moving into the home and returned a negative result.  A further PCR will be required on the admission day (day 0) and on day 7.  In addition, rapid lateral flow tests will be required daily until the results of the day 7 PCR has been received.

Moving In: you are welcome to bring any personal effects to help you feel at home.  All our rooms are en-suite, and are equipped with a bed, bedside table, chest of drawers, wardrobe, chair, and a television.  You are welcome to bring a named visitor with you to help you settle in, they must follow the current visiting guidance which will be discussed prior to admission.

Settling In: a full Care Plan will be developed with you; this will include all the information the staff need to ensure they care for you how you would like to be.  In addition, the Activities Co-ordinator will spend some time getting to know you and will arrange tailored activities for your interests.  You are welcome to have visitors in line with the visitor guidance.


An Admission from Hospital, an Interim Care Facility, another Care Home, an Emergency Community Admission or a Community Admission unable to satisfy the requirements detailed above


Discussions: will take place prior to any admission with the home’s Registered Manager, this may be with yourself, a loved one or a healthcare professional.  This is to gain an overview of your current care needs and requirements.

Assessment: if it is likely we would be able to meet your specific needs the Registered Manager will arrange a Pre-Admission Assessment.  This is to meet you, discuss what your needs are and how you would like to be cared for.  It will also enable us to give you and your loved ones more information about our home and the facilities we have available to you.  Ordinarily, dependant on circumstance, this would take place face-to-face but rest assured all of our staff are vaccinated, tested three times per week and would be wearing all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for your safety.

Time: after initial discussions and assessments our prospective residents are given time to consider their decision, possibly alongside their loved ones.  Once a decision has been made, please get in touch with the Registered Manager again who will work alongside you to arrange your admission at a time which is convenient to yourself, this could be the same day, in a couple of days or in a few weeks’ time, it is your choice.

Testing: we will provide a PCR coronavirus test which is to be completed within 72-hours before moving into the home and returned a negative result.  A further PCR will be required on the day of admission (day 0) and again on day 12.

Moving In: you are welcome to bring any personal effects to help you feel at home.  All our rooms are en-suite, and are equipped with a bed, bedside table, chest of drawers, wardrobe, chair, and a television.  You will receive 14-days of in-room care from admission.  If you have an essential care giver, they will be able to help you settle in and visit throughout your 14-days of in-room care, subject to the necessary visiting requirement.

Settling In: a full Care Plan will be developed with you; this will include all the information the staff need to ensure they care for you how you would like to be.  In addition, the Activities Co-ordinator will spend some time getting to know you and will arrange tailored activities for your interests.  Once you have received in-room care for 14-days and received a negative coronavirus test result from your day 12 PCR swab you will be able to meet the rest of the Farthings family and explore the home.


Every admission is different and above outlines some key stages throughout the admission process, however they are adaptable for everyone’s individual situations.  A thorough risk assessment will be carried out prior to any admission and the requirements for admission will be fully explained beforehand.


If you are considering care for yourself or your loved one, please call our friendly team who will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have, 01777 838 219, alternatively you can email [email protected].

Visitor Guidance

All visits MUST be pre-booked through our online booking system: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/


Bedroom, Marquee & Garden Visits

  • Every resident care nominate up to 5 ‘named visitors’ who will be able to enter the care home for regular visits (up to 2 at a time and only 2 on any one day)
    • Names, addresses and phone numbers of the 5 named visitors must be given to the Registered Manager prior to any visits taking place.
  • A visitor questionnaire is to be completed before coming into the Home and the visit must not take place if the visitor has:
    • any coronavirus symptoms; high temperature, cough or loss of taste or smell
    • been in contact with someone who is covid positive
    • been instructed to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
  • A Coronavirus Lateral Flow Test (LFT) must have been conducted on the day of the visit. These can be provided and taken at Farthings or can be taken home to conduct prior to visiting.
    • It is a legal requirement for LFT’s to be logged on the government website https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result utilising Farthings Unique Organisation Number (UON) 10122059 and evidence of negative result MUST be seen prior to entry to the Home.
  • Full PPE MUST be worn at all times throughout the visit, this includes, IIR facemask, apron and gloves all of which will be provideds.
  • The visitor will be escorted to the marquee or residents bedroom.
  • Visitors are politely requested to maintain strict social distancing from other residents, visitors and staff at all times.
  • Staff will return to escort visitors out of the Home at the end of the visiting time or visitors can press the residents call bell to request to be escorted out.


Gate, Window & Virtual Visits

  • Additional friends and family to the 5 named visitors are able to have gate, window or virtual visits but they must still be booked via the above booking link
  • The resident will be ready waiting for the visit to take place at the booked time
  • A face covering must be worn if conducting a gate visit and strict social distancing must still be adhered to
  • During a window visit the window must remain closed
  • Virtual visits will be supported by a member of staff if required


Visits Outside of the Home

  • Any visits being conducted outside of Farthings MUST be discussed with the Registered Manager beforehand, this is to enable a Risk Assessment to be carried out and to establish whether any isolation will be required upon return to the Home.

June 2021 News


Residents have enjoyed painting and experimenting with colours this month.  At Farthings we encourage art therapy as it is “a creative way for seniors to manage pain and stress and deal with memory loss.  Studies have found that senior who do art have fewer doctor’s visits, better physical health and require less medication.  They also fall less frequently.  One study connected art to decreased rates of loneliness and depression, along with better hand dexterity and higher morale.” www.scalabrini.com


There have been some armchair exercise groups facilitated this month, residents have enjoyed taking part in this physical activity.  www.nhs.uk reports that there is “strong evidence that people who are active have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, depression and dementia.”


We are welcoming friends and family into the home to see their loved ones.  This continues to be facilitated in a safe way inline with current Government guidance and it has been a pleasure to be able to witness so many happy reunions.


A game of bingo has been facilitated and enjoyed by all.


Dominoes has been enjoyed; all residents who took part reminisced about family members who also used to play dominoes as well as playing dominoes with their grandchildren.


We have had several wonderful birthdays during June.  One of our lovely ladies also turned 90 and it was wonderful to celebrate her special day.


Emily facilitated a quiz which in turn lead to reminiscing about childhoods, being the tallest in class and subsequently their friendship groups.  The residents were extremely knowledgeable during the quiz and excellent at recognising famous faces!


Emily has had lovely discussions with the residents about their childhoods, what they did for work and their favourite things to cook, what it was like to live in the local villages.


Lots of jigsaws have been pieced together whilst chatting to friends, it has been lovely to see the residents having a go at collectively piecing together jigsaws.


Lots of residents have enjoyed singing this month, Neil Diamond was enjoyed!


The residents enjoyed having some pampering hand massages and choosing which scent hand cream they preferred.


A game of play your cards right was enjoyed by everyone!


Bassetlaw District Council have been in touch, they have secured funding through the Better Care Fund to purchase assistive technology equipment.  We are absolutely delighted and appreciative that they have since offered us an Apple iPad Pro.  As the bid was to assist everyday living for residents who could be impacted through isolation, this fabulous donation will be primarily used for residents who are required to isolate in their bedrooms, if we have nobody isolating then this iPad will be available for all residents to use, this will be supported by the staff team.  A huge thank you to Bassetlaw District Council!

Our equally fantastic Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have also donated us a Glo Box with some GlitterBug fluorescent potion to assist our hand hygiene training.  The Glo box has been set up for staff and residents (and visitors when we’re allowed) to use and see how clean their hands really are!  This clever box and cream allows us to identify areas on our hands and wrists we may miss when we are washing our hands.  In turn this will improve our infection control techniques and resident’s wellbeing.  Historically we were able to hire out the glo box from our local CCG for a set period of time, so this is a very welcomed addition to our training.


We have welcomed Fagan back from her maternity onto the care staff team, Fagan is our Infection Control lead and is ensuring everyone has a go with our new glo box!

In the next week or two we will also be welcoming Pam and Leanne to our care team.  Pam is keen to start her care career and already knows some of the staff team.  Leanne has been a care assistant for many years, and we look forward to both Leanne and Pam joining our team.

We also have a 24-hour night contract available as well as a bank position should you know anyone who may be interested, please pass on our contact details.


We would be ever so grateful if you could take the time to leave us a review on either:

We also have some pre-paid review cards available in the home should you wish to complete one by hand and pop it in the post.


We have set a date for our Summer Fayre; it will be held on Saturday 21 August so please put the date in your diary!  Charlotte from DB Animal Therapy will be bringing some animals along and there will be the usual stalls selling items or games, there will also be a raffle held, tickets will be going on sale soon.  We are hoping the current coronavirus restrictions will be lifted in time to welcome all our friends and families back for a wonderful fun-filled day.  However, we will of course be following the Government and Nottinghamshire County Council guidance and as such details will be confirmed nearer the time when we are aware what and how we are able to host safely.

#GrabAJab in Bassetlaw - 7 & 8 July 2021

This week all adults 18 years and older will be able to #GrabAJab in Bassetlaw

All people 18 years and over will be able to access walk-in Covid-19 vaccination clinics in Retford and Harworth this week.  The walk-in clinics make it easier and more convenient for all eligible people who haven't had their first dose of the vaccine to come forward.


Walk-in clinics for all those 18 years and over for their first vaccine are being held at:

Larwood and Bawtry Primary Care Network

Wednesday 7 July @ 14.00-18.00 at Oakleaf Surgery, Harworth Primary Care Centre, DN11 8JT


Retford and Villages Primary Care Network

Thursday 8 July @ 17.00-19.30 at Retford Hospital Out-Patients Department, Retford, DN22 7XF




Please see flyers below for additional information:

COVID Walk-in Service Flyer - Harworth

COVID Walk-in Service Flyer RV