We had our first Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection in March 2022 under our new legal entity (Ashall Care Ltd) at Farthings and are pleased to have achieved GOOD overall and GOOD across ALL five categories (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-Led) during the two-day unannounced inspection.
During the inspection the CQC spoke to several residents who use the service and their relatives, as well as staff members and the Registered Manager. The CQC reviewed a range of records including care records and records relating to the overall management of the service inclusive of staff files.
In summary the CQC reported that the premises were clean and staff knew and followed infection control principles. People were cared for by staff that protected them from avoidable harm. Enough staff were available to respond to people’s needs in a timely manner. Systems were in place to manage and monitor medicines safely. People received their medicines as and when they needed them. Accident and incidents were investigated and measures were in place to prevent recurrence. People’s needs were assessed and people were involved in their care planning. People’s choices and preferences were adhered to. Staff completed an induction, received relevant training and supervision support for their roles. People were supported to eat and drink where needed. The service work well with agencies and other professionals to help provide effective care. The provider was working in line with the principles of the mental capacity act. People were supported, respected and well cared for. People were involved in making decisions about their life choices. The provider promoted equality and diversity, which was also reflected in people’s care plans. People, their families and staff gave positive feedback about the quality and leadership of the service. Systems in place showed effective governance processes were available to monitor the service and drive improvement. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Furthermore, the inspection report observed a positive person-centred culture within the home, with a staff member informing the inspector “we make sure each and every resident is happy, making sure they have all their needs met and beyond. If they are feeling down, we do not ignore it we take time out to talk to them to cheer them up.”
We would like to say a huge thank you to the whole staff team for delivering such a great service and achieving this rating. It was heart-warming to hear all of the wonderful feedback the inspector had received about our services from residents, their loved ones and our staff team.
To see the full CQC report please click here