Armchair exercises continue to be popular with our residents, we are lucky our Activities Coordinator, Emily is fully trained to deliver such classes.  Emily reports there are lots of giggles, kicks and enthusiasm!!


Some of our residents have walked to see the ducks and chickens close by this month, there are always lots of laughs and we’re so lucky to be able to enjoy them in such a peaceful environment.


We are still welcoming friends and family into the home to see their loved ones.  This continues to be facilitated in a safe way inline with current Government guidance and it has been a pleasure to be able to witness so many happy reunions.

We were delighted one of our residents was able to be part of a family wedding and had some beautiful photographs taken a short distance away from Farthings.


Lots of jigsaws have been pieced together whilst chatting to friends, it has been lovely to see the residents having a go at collectively piecing together jigsaws.


Lots of residents have enjoyed singing and dancing this month.


The residents enjoyed having some pampering hand massages and choosing which scent hand cream they preferred.


Games of play your cards right continues to be a firm favourite, we have some very competitive residents at Farthings!!


We were absolutely delighted to receive not one but TWO iPad Pro’s from Bassetlaw District Council, who have donated them through their winning bid to the Better Care Fund.  The Better Care Fund aim was to assist everyday living for residents who could be impacted through isolation, this fabulous donation will be primarily used for residents who are required to isolate in their bedrooms, if we have nobody isolating then these iPad’s will be available for all residents to use, this will be supported by the staff team.  A huge thank you to Bassetlaw District Council!

Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have also made us some more fantastic donations, we now have 20 pulse oximeters (these will be placed in residents bedrooms for individual resident use), a number of blood pressure monitors and some falls assistive equipment.  This equipment will enable us to monitor ‘soft signs’ of our residents to identify early signs of deterioration, as well as being able to provide data when required for GP’s, district nurses, paramedics etc.  Another huge thank you to Bassetlaw CCG.


We have welcomed Pam and Leanne to our care team.  We are also going to be welcoming Diane back to Farthings in the coming weeks, Diane worked at the home a number of years ago and it will be wonderful to welcome her back to the care team.

We have a 10-hour Activity Coordinator post available as well as a bank carer position should you know anyone who may be interested, please pass on our contact details.


Lots of thank you bouquets and gifts have been given out this month.  Our staff have been absolutely fantastic throughout the pandemic and have adapted to more change than we could ever foresee possible in the past 18-months; from the day to day running of the home, to the testing requirements, to new electronic systems for care planning and daily notes, rotas, signing in, booking systems, to vaccination requirements amongst many more.  We are absolutely delighted how everyone has adapted to change, covered for colleagues in periods of need and above all continued to provide fantastic care to all of our wonderful residents of whom our staff have always put first, even when they were not able to see their own families throughout lockdown.  For all these things and so many more we wanted to say (and show) our appreciation, so all staff have received a bouquet of flowers, a Thaymar gift voucher and a Blue Light card.



Review requests will be sent out shortly for our friends and family members through but we would be ever so grateful if you could take the time to leave us a review on either:

We also have some pre-paid review cards available in the home should you wish to take one away with you and pop it in the post.